Saturday, 27 August 2016

I got a kitten!!!

So if you didn't know, I absolutely love cats and have grown up with cats my whole life. When I moved in with my boyfriend I was gutted we couldn't have our own cat as he is allergic to them.
Well my friends, after a lot of begging and persuading I finally got David to agree to get our own little kitten :D I actually couldn't believe it to be honest haha! It wasn't that David didn't want a cat because he loves them just as much as I do but he was just a bit worried at what he was going to be like with his allergies. 

Our friends were going on holiday and asked us if we would look after their new kitten while they were away and so we thought this would be a good time to have like a "trial run" and see how David would be. It turned out that he was fine and didn't really need to take any antihistamines which was great! So at the end of the week after looking after our friend's cat, he said we could get our own (who is attacking my hand right this moment as I type this haha!).

From that moment I was straight on to Gumtree looking to see if there were any little kittens who needed a home. The main thing the kitten would need to be was short haired because we knew David was fine with short haired cats and if they were fluffy then we knew that would just be too much as the fur would get every where and we think it would affect his allergies!

So yeah, one day we went to see a little male kitten who was 10 weeks old, was the last of the litter and we just loved him as soon as we saw him. He was called Sox and believe it or not that's what we were going to call him so it was meant to be! He's all black with white paws, chest and tiny little white patch under his nose haha!  

He's a little rascal but I wouldn't have him any other way :)! Here's some pictures of him, enjoy!


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