Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Where have I been?

Happy New Year everyone! 
You're probably wondering where the hell I've been....or you probably couldn't care less haha! In my last post, which was a year a go, I said I wanted to start blogging more and I was going to make an effort in doing so but we all know that didn't happen. 
Let's just say I was pretty busy last year with other things happening which I didn't expect to happen as soon as it did...it's so exciting!
For Christmas 2016 my partner David surprised me with a trip to Disneyland Paris for my birthday in March. I had been to Disney World in Florida with him 2 years before and it was amazing and so I really wanted to go to Disneyland as well but at the time I couldn't really afford it so I was really excited and very grateful he did that for me....little did I now he was planning something very special ;).

Christmas Day 2016
You've probably guessed what that special something is or if you follow me on Instagram then you will have seen the photos from that trip. HE PROPOSED!!! Now you might think "oh that's so cliche", but honestly it was absolutely perfect as I LOVE Disney and couldn't think of a better place for him to have done it, so yeah, it was so lovely and it was also the day before my birthday. It was just the best trip ever! How gorgeous is my ring by the way?!



 Just before we went off on our trip to Disney we found out some amazing and exciting news....I was pregnant!! We decided to start trying for a baby but I didn't expect it to happen as soon as it did so I am very grateful for that. We were so excited to be having our own little baby boy or girl.

Not sure Sox was as excited as we were haha!
 I'm not going to go into the whole pregnancy and labour in this post, I can maybe do a separate one for that but basically it was the best experience and definitely my biggest achievement in life and I was also extremely lucky with how well I felt during my pregnancy and how well the labour went but again, I can save all that information for another blog post. If that's something you'd like read about, then please let me know either on this post or via my twitter/instagram

My family and friends threw me the best surprise baby shower ever!

My lovely work friends
My amazing best friends <3
Myself with my sister and her little boy Jack and my amazing Mum.
I miss my bump so much! It's crazy to think there was a little human inside my tummy. Here's a couple of pictures of myself in the last few weeks of my pregnancy.


I'm actually getting quite emotional writing this blog post. 2017 was definitely the best year of my life and I can't wait for the years to come watching my little girl grow up and marrying the love of my life!

So here she is....

Our little Poppy born 29/10/2017 <3 

Christmas Day 2017 - First Christmas as a family of 3
Thanks for reading, I'm away to get the tissues haha!

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