Friday, 2 October 2015

September In Pictures

This month in pictures post will be photos from my holiday to Florida since 2 weeks of September was spent there and then when we got back my phone was "broken" so I didn't have it for a while so that's why I don't have any other photos from last month to include in this. 
My phone is fine and not broken which is a whole other story that I wont get into....enjoy!
  1. David and I in front of Cinderella's castle <3
  2. Us just loving life. I love this photo, we look so happy haha!
  3. When we met Pluto!!....Yes we are big kids :P
  4. Minnie Mouse ears!!! I had to!
  5. In front of the Hogwarts Express :D
  6. I faced my fear of Killer Whales and got a photo with one!! This was a big thing for me may I add!
  7. They were getting already for Halloween at Disney World, it was really cool.
  8. Meeting Woody and Jessie!
  9. A nice photo with Walt Disney himself and Mickey Mouse in front of the castle.

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