Thursday, 1 October 2015

Review: Mr Nutcase Personalised Mug

If you have a love for mugs like me then you will enjoy this post. I love buying mugs that are really cute, especially Disney ones, to have in my kitchen cupboards so when I do want to have a cup of tea I can have it in a cool mug.

I was contacted by Mr Nutcase asking if I would like to review a personalised mug and so of course I was really excited to get to design my own mug and make it my own! 
I decided to go for a collage of some photos from my holiday to Florida so when I do make a cup of tea in this mug I can always look at the photos and be reminded of what an amazing holiday it was.

I wasn't sure about how the mug would turn out as the photos are obviously wrapped around the mug so I had doubts in my mind that the photos were going to be distorted and not very great but actually I was very wrong....they turned out great!!

These photos do not do the mug justice but I'm afraid it's the best I could do as at the moment I am without my beloved iPhone as it has broken so I feel like one of my arms has been cut off! :(

This particular mug I went for is only £5.95 and you can choose any design from their range you like and any photos of yours you like.

It would also make a really nice gift for someone if you can't think of something or just to add to their gift to make it more special. 

Please make sure to checkout the website to see the range of other products you can make your own! They also do phone cases which I had done not long ago so check that out also! 

*PR Sample

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