Thursday, 20 November 2014

Hootsuite App

I have spoken about this app before in my Apps I Am Currently Loving post back in September but I wanted to write about it in a bit more detail. I friggin' love this app! It's such a life saver at times. 
This app allows you to sync it with your Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare and LinkedIn account and allows you to schedule tweets and posts. I have found this app so so SO handy quite simply because I am a bit of a numpty sometimes and forget about blogger chats going on on twitter. I love joining in on the chats because it's such a good way to connect with other bloggers and speak to them. 
Also, my shifts at work can sometimes finish at 8 which is when most chats are scheduled for and I don't get home until normally about half 8 which means I've missed half an hour of it which is rubbish. So this is where this app comes in to my life. I type out some of the tweets I'd like to send during the chat and then schedule them for when the chat is on. It just saves me the thought of "crap! I'm not gonna make it on the chat tonight" whereas it puts my mind a rest knowing that my tweets will get sent and I don't have to worry about it. 
I also think it's good for if you have a blog post scheduled on blogger to go up on a certain day at a certain time then you can schedule a tweet with a link to your post telling people it's live at the same time rather than having to remember to get your post out there. 
I don't use this app for facebook or the other ones but I definitely recommend it for twitter!

Have you tried this app before? Let me know what you think :) 


  1. Hootsuite is one of my top apps for blogging too. I schedule tweets to promote our posts several times a day and it makes life way easier!
    Rebecca | The Two Twenty Somethings

  2. I use this app for blogging but I've not really explored all of the features.
    I've never thought of using it for the Twitter chats -what a great idea!


    1. Yeah it's great for twitter chats because I usually forget about them so if I schedule a tweet for it while I am remembering then it's fine if I've forgotten about the chat because my tweets will still be sent :) xoxo

  3. First time hearing this app, will be checking it out, thanks!

    Reflection of Sanity

  4. I only use Hootsuite for Twitter and I find it very helpful! Especially the part where it shortens links - individual posts usually have long URLs!

    Zoe xx
