Sunday, 23 November 2014

Review: Limited Edition Vaseline - Queen Bee

As you all know I love Vaseline lip care products so when I found out about the new Limited Edition Queen Bee in Honeylicious I had to rush out to my nearest Boots and buy it! Vaseline is a lifesaver for me since I always have sore lips so I have a tin in my bag, my coat pocket, my work fleece and my car just in case I forget to bring one with me so I always know there's one somewhere haha! 
I'm not sure how long this one will be around for but if you like Vaseline as much as I do then I definitely recommend trying it. It's a bit more expensive than the other ones with a price tag of £3.99 (from boots) but it's worth it to me. It has an amazing honey scent obviously and overall feels lovely on the lips and leaves them feeling soothed.

  • Smells amazing
  • Packaging is nice
  • Soothing
  • Price is a bit on the expensive side.

Let me know your thoughts on this if you've tried it yourself :)


  1. Such a good review you're so inspiring I've decided to start my own blog, will you please follow me it would mean a lot :) x

    1. Aw thank you that's so nice! Thanks for reading :) xoxo

  2. I must have this! I love the Vaseline lip care range (even did a post on the 'Paint The Town Red') and honey is one of my favourite ingredients! Great review :)

    1. Thanks! I've never tried the Paint The Town Red one! I think because it's a tinted one it puts me off....never know though I might end up loving it! xoxo

  3. Ooh i have been eyeing this up in Boots too! I shall have to grab one soon :)

  4. I saw this in Boots and wanted to smell it really badly! lol! But I didn't have enough time and had to rush out the store! However, the packaging is super cute!! :D
    xoxo, | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog 
    also on BLOGLOVIN 

    1. Haha! I wouldn't have been able to not grab it :P Yeah the packing is so cute! xoxo

  5. Omg, never seen this! Must get it quick since its Limited Edition. Thanks for the review hun! xo
    >Beauty & Fashion Blogger<
