Friday, 28 October 2016

New: Gabriella's Primark Collection 2016

When Gabby (velvetgh0st) announced she was bringing out a new collection with Primark I was so excited! Then she started uploading sneek peek photos on her Instagram and I just got even more excited. 

I took a trip to Glasgow this week and the first place I went to was Primark to see if they stocked her new products as the Primark where I live isn't very good and didn't stock her last collection. I went to the home section and there they had a whole stand dedicated to Gabby and everything looked so pretty! 

She has a lot of stuff and I wanted it all but I resisted and bought a few bits.....then I went back for more haha! The thing I like most about all the products is the colours of them. I love the pink and purple with the white and I just think it looks so cute and I knew it would go really nice with my white bedroom furniture.

I will list all prices at the end of my post :)

How cute is the cushion?! It's so me and it looks great on my bed with my other cushions. The best thing about it is....'s reversible! How cool is that? I prefer the white side as it looks better with my room but the black side is really cute and reminds me of my kitten Sox haha!

Next we have the fairy lights. I just love these and they were really cheap! I was expecting them to be at least over the £10 mark but they were so affordable. I found it hard to put these around my bed as you get quite a lot of lights but I think I've done an alright job as normally I am rubbish when it comes to putting up fairy lights.

The eye mask is so blooming cute too, I just can't deal! It's really soft and comfortable to wear. I like putting sleep masks on the edge of my bed frame because I think it just makes it look really cute and fun...hence why I have another one on the other side haha!

I love these type of cups and this is my new favourite one. Again I love the colours and the gold goes really nice with the purple. It also has little gold cats on it too which is just so cute.

I couldn't resist getting the mug. I loved her mug she brought out in her first collection with the little cat nose and whiskers but unfortunately the one I bought was faulty (it had a crack in it) which I didn't realise and when I put hot water in it when making a cup of tea, the crack got worse and it smashed :( So I really hope this one will be able to cope with hot water because I can't wait to have a cup of tea in this cute mug.

This said it's a pencil case but I'm using it as a make-up bag and it's a perfect size for just that. Again it's got little gold cats and polka dots with a purple zip. So cute!!! I know I keep saying that but it's the only words I can think of to describe the design. 

I'm gonna use this notepad and pen at work as I love having cool pens and I'm always writing things down so why not do so in a cute notepad? This would also be good for writing blog post ideas down in so I might go back and get another one. How cute is the paper inside?! There are other designs available so maybe a different one would be nice to get. The pen is my favourite!

So that's all the things I picked up but there is still quite a lot of other things available such as a duvet cover, stationery sets, note books, a canvas picture, socks, pyjamas, a travel pillow, cat light, a ceramic mug, another cushion, pencils and a bed throw.

Gabby's Primark Collection

P R I C E S 

Cushion - £5.00
Fairy Lights - £6.00
Sleep Mask - £2.00
Cup - £4.00
Mug - £2.00
Pencil Case - £2.50
A5 Notebooks - £2.50
Pom Pom Pens - £1.50
Travel Pillow - £5.00
Duvet Set - Starts from £13
Ceramic Mug - £3.00
Xoxo Pencil Case - £4.00
Pencils - £1.50
Pom Pom Throw - £12.00
Pom Pom Cushion - £7.00
Sticky Notes Set - £3.00
Stationery Accessory Set - £5.00
Cat Chalkboard Light - £12.00

So yeah, there's a lot of stuff and I love every single thing! I'm definitely gonna add some items to my Christmas list. I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did writing it! Let me know what you think of Gabby's new collection.