Monday, 26 October 2015

Review: Ice Hotel Wax - Scentsy

Today's sample of Scensty wax I sampled is called Ice Hotel. It smells absolutely lovely! It's a nice winter scent so is perfect for Christmas time or even this time of year as it is now starting to get colder. 

The wax is a really nice light blue colour so looks lovely once melted. Because this warmer is all white and Christmassy, the melted wax reminds me of a little ice rink on top of that silly? Haha! 

Ice Hotel isn't as over powering as Lychee Sorbet so if you like more fresh and subtle scents then this one is perfect for you :)

For more info about Scentsy then please check out my last post here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh that is GORGEOUS. I want the whole set up just because you. are. right. It looks like an ice-skating rink! :D
