Sunday, 11 January 2015

Review: Cinders Lush Bath Bomb

Hey! I like to write reviews on bath products straight after I have used them while my thoughts on them are still fresh in my memory. Today I used the Cinders Bath Bomb from Lush and I did like it however I do have one thing I don't like so much about it.

I love the smell. The smell is amazing actually! I am hopeless at describing scents so you'll just have to take my word for it :P Another thing I love about this is once it had fizzed away in the bath I heard these popping sounds and was like what is that?? Then I realised it was little bit of popping candy popping away! Of course it's not actual candy but you know what I mean? I loved it! I'm guessing that's what the red bits on it are.


The thing I didn't like about it, apart from the popping bits, was there were no surprises to it when it melted and the colour it made my bath....well come on it's not very nice looking. It actually looks like someone pee'd in my bath! Sorry that's gross I know but it's true! So yeah, that kinda put me off a bit and didn't enjoy it as much.

  • Smells great,
  • Popping candy effect.
  • The colour it made the bath.

Have you tried this bath bomb? I'd love to know your thoughts on it.


  1. I used this last weekend and agree the smell is lovely but the colour it turns the water is horrible! x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this! xoxo

  2. Yeah the colour in the bath does look a bit odd doesn't it. Maybe Lush didn't quite think about that when creating the yellow colour. Oops!
    Reinventing Neesha ♥

    1. Haha they definitely didn't think about that! xoxo

  3. It looks like melted butter, will avoid this one!!

    Francesca xo // EffStar Beauty

    1. Ah yeah so it does! Maybe I should've used that description rather than it looks like pee! Haha! xoxo

  4. it looks like an orange juice bath :D one day, when I get my own place, I hope to get into taking baths as well.


    1. Oooh or even a better description than the last comment :P I never used to be into baths until I moved out so yeah look forward to it cause it's great! :D xoxo

  5. Did you find that this left a bit of a scum round the edge of the bath too? I've used it and was quite surprised as I didn't think it was.going to mark the bath. Other than that though I agree with everything you said about it! Lovely review.
    Rebecca | The Two Twenty Somethings

    1. Oh my god yes!! I didn't bother writing this about it in the review because I thought people would be like "well what do you expect when you put stuff like that in your bath??" It left a yellow stain round the side of bath but it's starting to come off now. xoxo

  6. I do love Lush bath products, but I do find some of them leave a film around the edges of the bath x

  7. I love cinders ❤️ the red bits are actual popping candy! xx
