Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Top 5 Netflix Picks

1. Greys Anatomy is one of my all time favourite programmes and I am still loving it! It's on it's 11th season now and is still as good as ever. If you haven't seen this then I highly recommend you do.

2. I think everyone has seen Breaking Bad simply because it is freakin' amazing and if you haven't then why the hell not? It is just so gripping it makes you want to watch it one after another and before you know it the day has gone haha! 

3. I've watched this documentary twice and highly HIGHLY recommend it. As much as I am scared of Killer Whales and as much I am hating putting a picture of one in this post (I can't even look at it) I think everyone should give this a watch. I wont say much about it but it's basically about Sea World in Florida keeping the whales in captivity and about the previous accidents that happened to the trainers. 

4. I know Prison Break has been out for years but me and my boyfriend have just recently finished it and thought it was brilliant! Again it's one of those programmes that you want to keep watching to find out what will happen. 

5. Not one of my favourites but it's worth putting in my top 5. I just love how each season is a totally different story but has the same actors/actresses in it playing different characters. If you like creepy things then this is for you :).


  1. I've not watched Breaking Bad yet but my friend is obsessed with it and watches it every night! I need to watch it when I've got some spare time!
    Emma emhasrednails

    1. It is so so soooo good! Keeps you hooked and wanting to watch more! xoxo

  2. Love, love, love Grey's and still loving it now.
    Watched Breaking bad and loved that too :)

    Pams Stuff and Things

    1. It's so good isn't it? Christina was my fave! :( xoxo

  3. Breaking Bad & Prison Break were two of my faves so might have to give the others a little look see!
    laviecece.blogspot.com xx

    1. Yeah I would def recommend Greys Anatomy! xoxo

  4. I like American horror story, well maybe this year I'm not too impressed with it. But I also like that every season is different, and you can see which actor is versitile :)

    Anja's Beauty World

    1. I haven't started watching the new series of American Horror Story yet but I've also heard it's not that great. xoxo

  5. Im on series 3 of American Horror Story at the moment, not my favourite series but definitely worth a watch x

    1. I would say the 3rd is my favourite so far....haven't started watching the new one yet though xoxo

  6. I haven't watched all of greys anatomy - I would love to start it again from the beginning! I really liked blackfish and AHS. I am watching Dexter at the moment which I am enjoying too! x

    Jasmin Charlotte | UK Lifestyle Blog

    1. Oh my god I can't believe I forgot about Dexter!!! I absolutely loved it! Haha! I watched it that long a go I suppose that's why I didn't think of it :p xoxo

  7. Ah one of my favourite reasons winter has come! Attacking my Netflix queue. I'm right in the middle of Breaking Bad, I got in at the end of the original run. When I'm not watching that, I'm watching the entire series of Gilmore Girls.

    Tiff | AMtoPM

    1. Hahaha me too! Oooh I've never watched Gilmore Girls...maybe that will be next on my list. xoxo

  8. Breaking Bad is my absolute favourite, want to rewatch it soon!

    Bethan Likes

    1. Haha I want to as well, however my bf says no :( :P xoxo

  9. I love Grey's Anatomy! It's one of few shows that makes me laugh, cry and jump about in my seat with excitement. I've finally managed to talk a friend into watching it although she's on series 1 so I literally cannot talk about anything that's happening in the current series!

    As for Blackfish I watched this and was seriously traumatised!! I've been to Seaworld many times and wouldn't call myself one of the big animal lovers but I was horrified by the treatment of the killer whales.

    Victoria x
