Sunday, 2 November 2014

Lush Christmas Event

Hello my lovelies! I was lucky enough to be invited to the Lush Christmas Launch Event at the Lush Spa in Edinburgh on Princes Street last Thursday. I have never been to a blogger event before so I was so excited to attend this one! I'll be honest and say that I never used to like Lush or actually I could never bring myself to go into the shop as the smell was so strong, but over the past few years I've researched the products a bit more and realised what you can get, I've been so much more interested in Lush and have purchased a few things.
The staff were absolutely amazing at the event and were so so helpful! I've learnt a lot more about the products.
The event was to show us the Christmas products that are available now and oh my goodness, they are amazing! 



I also met a few other bloggers who were all lovely and made me feel comfortable as I can be a shy person believe it or not haha! The products in the above photos are a few of my favourite from the Christmas range. 



We got to see a few demonstrations of some of the products being used, one being the Holly Golightly which looked so amazing in the water - it was so green and Christmassy!



Snow Fairy has always been on my wish list but I just can't bring myself to spend £11 on a shower gel which I know is the biggest bottle but to me it's still a lot! In the bowls is the Golden Wonder bath bomb which was my favourite of the night and it looks so good in action. I love how it's covered in gold but on the inside it's full of surprises as you can see by the different colours inside.


I loved seeing all the gift boxes that are available for Christmas time too filled with all different products. The wall just looked so nice and colourful! 

When I arrived I was asked if I would like a drink and some nibbles which was lovely. The bottles were in this massive ice cooler which was part of a table of some sort which I thought was really cool. The nibbles were little Christmas Tree short bread which were so yummy!


As the store is a Lush Spa they have a spa downstairs which I never knew about where you can come and have a massage. We were so lucky enough to be shown around and even got to see a live massage being done on a member of staff. The first photo is the little seating area where you can wait before you have your massage or have a seat afterwards. They also have a little kitchen area which was so nice. I didn't take any pictures of the rooms where the massages are performed as it was really dark and it wouldn't do it any justice. 
If you have a Lush Spa anywhere near you then I would totally recommend going and seeing if you can have a nosy. 

At the end of the night before we were leaving, we were allowed to have a shop if we wanted buy anything as they left a till open and we were also given a goodie bag each which I did not expect at all! I was shocked at what we got also!
We each got 2 of the Christmas gift boxes which were all different so no one got the same ones. I was lucky enough to be the first person to choose my goodie bag and I'm so happy with what I got! I managed to get the Golden Wonder box which had the Golden Wonder bath bomb which was my favourite of the collection :D

It also had 100g of Gold Fun which smells amazing! I can't wait to use these!

My second gift box is the Jolly Holidays one which has so much in it! I can't wait to use the Hot Toddy shower gel. It smells so Christmassy. The Sparkle Toothy Tabs are very intriguing, I just hope it doesn't taste horrible!

Lastly, as we were allowed to buy anything we wanted I of course had to buy the Butter Bear bath bomb that I've wanted for ages since it's so cheap and smells so good! I also got the Candy Mountain bubble bar which I think will look so cool in the bath!

I had such a good time at the event and again would like to thank all the staff who invited me. 


  1. That looks like so much fun - I'm glad you had such good time! The nearest Lush to me is actually a Lush Spa but I had no idea that it really meant that it was anything extra, how exciting! I wish I could go to a Lush event, maybe next year haha xx

    1. Yeah me too! I just thought they had changed their name to that haha! It's worth having a look if you can! Thanks for reading xoxo

  2. LUSH SPA?! I've never heard of that before!
    I need this in my city! haha
    The event sounded like a wonderful night and I love the goodie bags you got!

    I really need to get into Lush to buy the Hot Toddy Shower Gel because it seriously smells amazing!

    How did you go testing these products at home?




    1. Haha I hadn't either! I just thought they had changed their name :P I've still yet to try them! I've just been so busy lately that I've not had time to relax and have a nice long bath! xoxo

  3. your so lucky! ive never been invited to an event like this. did you have to write to them?

    1. I saw someone on twitter mention about it so I just asked when it was and then I received an email with an invite :) xoxo
