Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Bomb Cosmetics Christmas Collection Wish List

Bomb Cosmetics Christmas Collection Wish Lish

I was recently introduced by the lovely Alice from anniewritesbeauty to Bomb Cosmetics as I'd never heard of them before or seen anything of their range until she posted a picture on instagram and it looked so good! They have such an amazing range of bath bombs, bath melts, soaps, candles and so much more. I guess it's a cheaper option to go for rather than Lush. I love Lush don't get me wrong but some of their products are expensive and puts me off a bit so Bomb Cosmetics is perfect. 
I am still yet to purchase from the website but oh my goodness I want everything from their Christmas range! 
I've put together a wish list of everything available in the range for you to see what's available. How cute is everything?!

From top to bottom going left to right we have:
  1. Chilly Willy Bath Blaster - £2.29
  2. Chilly Millie Bath Blaster - £2.29
  3. Cooltide Bath Blaster - £2.29
  4. Gingerbread Trees Bath Blaster - £2.29
  5. Deck the Halls Bath Blaster - £2.29
  6. Ginger Bath Blaster - £2.29
  7. Holly Dolly Bath Blaster - £2.29
  8. Holly Go Lightly Bath Blaster - £2.29
  9. It's Xmas! Bath Blaster - £2.29
  10. Midnight Mass Bath Blaster - £2.29
  11. Oh Xmas Tree! Bath Blaster - £2.29
  12. Rockin' Robin Bath Blaster - £2.29
  13. Stocking Fizzer Bath Blaster - £2.29
  14. Ginger Love Bath Mallow - £2.24
  15. Too Cool for Yule! Cocoa Swirl - £2.99
  16. Ho Ho Hollybush Bath Mallow - £2.24
  17. Ice Ice Baby Bath Mallow - £2.24
  18. Seasons Tweetings Bath Mallow - £2.24
  19. Mr Frosty Bath Creamer - £2.09
  20. We Three Kings Bath Creamer - £2.09
  21. Robin's Nest Bath Brulee - £3.49
  22. Santa's Grotto Bath Brulee - £3.49


  1. I love Bomb Cosmetics. I got a few of their products a few years back at the Clothes Show & couldn't believe how amazing they were. I really need to place an online order soon :) x


    1. Sounds great! Can't wait to place an order! xoxo
