Sunday, 12 October 2014

Review: Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water


Hello my lovelies! Todays post is another review but don't worry, it's a positive one this time! I'm happy to finally try something that nearly every beauty blogger has raved on and on about and actually like it myself.
I'm not a big make-up wearer but recently I have been wearing more eye make-up on a daily basis so I thought I would give the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water a try as it was on offer in Tesco.
I love how easy it is to use. All you need is a cotton pad and simply pour a small amount on to it and then run your make-up off. It works really well and is inexpensive. It's 400ml and says it should give you 200 uses of it but this will last a long time for me as I don't need to use a lot of product since I don't have a face full of make-up. 
After I used it I did feel it left my eyes feeling really dry and sticky even but I guess it's just the same as after you've washed your face with water, it can feel quite dry. I also wish it had a slight scent to it.
I can't compare this to other cleansing waters simply because I haven't tried any other brands but I'm chuffed with this one!

  • Removes make-up really well
  • Affordable
  • 400ml is a lot of product.
  • Leaves face dry/sticky
  • Unscented


  1. I was such a sceptic with micellar water but ever since trying the BioDerma one I cannot go back- I love it that much!

    I don't use this product on my eyes though as I have very sensitive eyes and find it irritating... :\ I prefer to use a cleansing balm for eye make up! Have you tried one?




    1. I've heard the BioDerma one is good so should maybe give that a go and compare the two :P
      No I haven't tried a cleansing balm before but it sounds like it would be nice and soothing...especially on the eye area :) xoxo

  2. I love this stuff so much. Face wipes and other makeup removers leave my skin sore and red, this stuff is uber gentle. Repurchased like 4 times now!!

    Francesca xo |

    1. I know what you mean about wipes! Haha really? That's great that you've found something you really like :) xoxo

  3. I really like this but prefer the Bioderma when I can find it x

    Jasmine // Magpie Jasmine

    1. By the looks of thinks I'm gonna have to try the Bioderma one xoxo

  4. I love this cleansing water, I have been using mine since Feb, and I am only now getting to the bottom of the bottle.
