Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Lush Rayban Sunglasses


Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while since I've last posted I'm sorry! I wanted to share with you my sexy new Raybans that I recently purchased! I've already got a pair as I've blogged about before and was soooo happy with them! If you haven't read that post then I'll quickly explain that I work for Tesco Opticians which are selling Rayban sunglasses at only £90 each and I believe they are cheaper than anywhere else including Duty Free at airports! I was super lucky to get them for just £66.50! I get 10% discount with my staff discount card and this month with my wage slip there was a £10 off voucher for the opticians and then I had a random £4.50 clubcard voucher. 
If it wasn't for all those discounts I don't think I would've purchased another pair as I do think one pair is enough. I kept talking myself out of buying them but I just loved them so much! I mean, look at them....I honestly feel like a Kardashian when I'm wearing them haha! Also whenever someone went to pick them up and try them on I just kept saying "nooooooo they're mine" in my head hahaha! So yeah I bought them and I do not regret it!
This style doesn't have a name but the number on side is RB4178 601/8G 3N if that helps incase anyone is interested :P They are so comfy and the tint is just the right darkness. And also look how gorgeous the case is! Love the colours.
Not all Tesco Opticians stock the same Raybans as it's just a mixed stock they get but you never know! 
Here's my sexy face modelling them haha!

Do you own a pair? Let me seeeee!! xoxo


  1. Rayban is super cool and you look really good in yours! I so want to get my hands on their aviator sunglasses but so pricey here.

    1. Thanks hun! Yeah they are so expensive everywhere else so I was really lucky to get such a bargain! xoxo
