Sunday, 20 July 2014

Yankee Candle Shade And Tray Set


Hey! Hope you're all having a lovely Sunday and had a nice weekend. I treated myself this weekend.....well I treated my home haha! I looooove Yankee Candles but think they are expensive. I was in town shopping and noticed there was a Yankee Candle shop! As all the other shops had sales on I thought I'd have a nosy to see if I could grab a bargain. 
There I was, just sniffing all the different candles adding more and more to wish list when I came across the most cute little ensemble ever!
I am heart anything daft and my house is full of them! I just love all the heart decorations that are everywhere at the moment so I couldn't resist buying this! It's a little tray and shade with hearts cut out on them. You place a jar on the tray and then place the shade on top of the jar. 
It comes in two sizes, big and small, big for the large jars and small for the smaller jars. I went for the small option.
The tray was £5.99 and the shade £7.99 which I thought was quite reasonable. Then it was time for the hard part....choosing the candle to go with it.
I had narrowed it down to this one and the Black Cherry one. I love the smell of the black cherry candle but thought since my mum had it I would go for Summer Scoop. It literally smells like strawberry ice cream! Who doesn't love strawberry ice cream?!
This one was also on sale from £8 something to £6 something, so it wasn't much of a sale but it was better than paying full price I guess :)

Do you have a fave Yankee Candle?



  1. Oh my goodness this is so cute I want to die!! I seriously want it!!!!!

    xx, Be || lovefrombe

    1. Haha I know I was like that when I first saw it! xoxo

  2. This looks so adorable! I'm going to see if they have it in the stores here where I live!

    Evelin Kivi blog

  3. This is so cute, I literally just brought summer scoop for my friends birthday present, I love Pink Sands!

    1. Haha cool! Oooh I've not smelt Pink Sands xoxo

  4. that candle sounds like it would smell delicious!

    from helen at

    ps. there's a little Dahlia trench coat giveaway worth £80 on my blog right now, click here!

    1. Trust me it smells exactly like ice cream, it's amazing! xoxo

  5. That is actually ridiculously adorable and I think I need it in my life! :)

