Friday, 27 June 2014

Vaseline Spay & Go Body Moisturiser Review

Image source: Google
Ever since I saw these body moisturisers advertised I just knew I wanted and had to try it! I had seen so many great reviews on them also, but was a bit undecided whether to actually spend the £4.99 (which is quite expensive) as I wasn't sure if it was going to be an overrated product just like other products I've tried in the past from reading reviews on them which left me disappointed. 
I love Vaseline lip products as I always go on about and my favourite being the Cocoa Butter lip balm, so of course I wanted to try the Cocoa Butter body moisturiser. I know that they already had these scents in lotion formula but I think a spray can is much easier to apply than trying to squeeze every last little bit out of a bottle.
Let's just say, I have been raving about this moisturiser spray ever since I sprayed it on my body for the first time! I really did not expect this to be as good as it is. It sprays on so well and smells AMAZING! It rubs in easily and within seconds it's gone. I like it because it doesn't leave your skin feeling sticky which in my opinion makes me feel horrible and makes me want to take another shower.
I also like how it come with a lockable lid which you twist which stops it from leaking (not that I think it would leak) if it's lying flat in your traveling bag or in a drawer.
The smell is my favourite thing about this as it literally reminds me of being on holiday which come on...who doesn't love that smell? :P
I would give this moisturiser 10/10, it really is just awesome and I can't find any flaws with it!


  1. Ive been looking at these for a while and I'm still undecided on whether to get one or not, the cocoa butter lip balm is gorgeous though so if this is just as nice then i may have to try it! x

  2. You should def try it if you like the lip balm! It's so nice! xoxo

  3. I've heard mixed reviews on this product. I may ave to pick it up if it's on offer some time!
    In Katie's Corner

    1. Oh really? I've only ever read good reviews and agree with every one. Yeah I agree it is on the pricey side but yeah keep an eye out :) xoxo

  4. I think these are such a brilliant idea, I'll definitely be purchasing another one when mine runs out!

    Jenn | PhotoJennic

    1. Me too! I don't think I'll ever stop using this :P xoxo

  5. I definitely need to try this!!!! xx

  6. I really want to try these but I always feel they want give enough coverage!

  7. Oooh this looks interesting! I'm tempted after hearing you rave about it :) I've actually just reviewed a lovely body moisturiser myself over on my blog. It's gorge! Anyway, thanks for opening my eyes to another nice body moisturiser! Danielle x

    frontière girl

    1. No problem! I do honestly think it's amazing! Oh I'll go have a look at your review :) thanks for reading xoxo
