Monday, 2 June 2014

Beauty Empties

Katy Perry Perfume "Meow" - I love this perfume! It smells so good, def in my top favourites! I was so sad when this ran out but when I made another trip to good old B&M I found a smaller bottle for only £5 just like the other one I found. My favourite thing about these perfumes is of course they are shaped like a cat haha!

P.S Love Your Skin Facial Cleansing Wipes - I go through these wipes so fast so it's great that you get 2 packs for £1 from Primark! I use them everyday and they make my skin feel so refreshing. They have different kinds of wipes so check them out! 

Vaseline Cocoa Butter - As you all know I can't leave the house without taking a tub of vaseline with me! I have the bad habit of biting my lips and picking the skin off them (I know sorry that's horrible!) so applying Vaseline to them makes them feel so much better. I have one in every bag incase I forget to pick one up haha. This is my favourite one. It smells amazing and feels so good on.

Soap and Glory Spray-ON Moisturising Mist - This leaves my skin feeling smooooooth like a baby's bum :P It also smells amazingggg. I've tried to get this again but can't find it :( So if anyone can find it let me know!

Batiste Cherry Dry Shampoo - Dry shampoo is such a genius idea!  This has got to be my favourite scent as I love anything that smells of cherries. Makes my hair feel fresh and gives it a bit of volume.


  1. I also love that Batiste scent! I wish it came in brunette form. <3

    Tara x

  2. Love the Katy Perry perfume bottle, it's so cute! :)

    1. So cute ay?! Smells amazing too :) xoxo

  3. Those perfumes look amazing! Beautiful blog. :)

    Sydney (

  4. I swear by dry shampoo, always make sure in stocked up. Xo

    1. Me too! I buy in bulk so have plenty to keep me going :) xoxo
