Sunday, 17 November 2013

Versatile Award

Hey everyone I hope you've all had a lovely weekend. I sure have and to make it even better I came on to check my blog and was surprised by a lovely comment from the lovely Alicia over at who has nominated me for the versatile award. I am so grateful as this is the second award I have been nominated for and it shows that people actually like to read what I like to write about so thank you so much Alicia and everyone else please go check out her blog because she is amazing and her blog is wonderful :)

The rules

Display the award certificate on your blog
Announce your win and thank the blogger who nominated you
Present 15 bloggers with the award
Link your nominees in this post and let them know you've nominated them
Post 7 interesting things about yourself

7 interesting things about me

1. I went to dance college

2. My friends bought me a star for my 18th birthday so that's pretty cool

3. I am moving to Edinburgh to live with my boyfriend <3

4. I have an obsession with DVDs

5. I don't wear make-up

6. I wish I was David Attenborough (he is the luckiest man ever! haha)

7. I have a crush on Lily Allen ;)

My 15 nominations are:

1. I is for ladybird  - Laura
2. Fearless n Fabulous - Aneesa
4. Frill top socks - Jordann
5. What Lauren sayss - Lauren
6. Amy Priddle - Amy
7. The blonde galaxy - Georgie
8. Madeleine Ebony - Madaleine
9. Green beauty life - Ashley
10. Bailey blush - Bailey Rose
11. Tiny Alis - Tiny
12. Talking about M - Megan
13. The girls next door UK - Nicola and Debbie
14. This is blog standard - Sarah
15. Some like it styled - Jenny

Thank for reading xoxo


  1. Thanks for the nomination! No.3 is really cute and no.7 made me chuckle! I think Lily Allen is pretty great too! It's interesting to hear you don't wear make up- I just can't help myself but I've recently begun to have no make-up days and not just indoors. It defo gives my face a nice breather and keeps skin in tip-top condition! :-)

  2. No problem you deserve it :D Yeah I've always liked Lily Allen and her music and was slightly obsessed with her and went to see her loads but then she stopped doing music to have her babas and now she's back baby!! :D I'm so excited can you tell? :P Yeah I've never been a makeup kinda girl....I dunno why I think I just couldn't be bothered doing it everyday! Recently though I have started to wear a bit of eyeliner and mascara when I go on nights out but that's not that often :P Let me know when you've done your 7 interesting things! xoxo
