Sunday, 10 November 2013

#BritishBloggerSelection Q&A

Hey so if you remember my post where I told you about the new group I had joined called #BritishBloggerSelection where every week the creator will send an email with a topic and I need to write a post about anything I want as long as it's to do with that topic. For more info on how you can join click here.
So the first week I'm taking part in is some questions by Ellie (the creator) so here goes:
  1. Why do you like blogging? - I just really enjoy having somewhere where I can write whatever I want and know that someone somewhere enjoys what I write about. 
  2. How did you come up with your blog name? - To be honest I don't really know. It just kinda came to me.
  3. Where from the UK do you come from? - I am from bonnie Scotland! :P
  4. Favourite colour? - Coral :D
  5. Do you like Lana Del Ray? - Yeah quite recently I have started listening to her more as my friend loves her. She's an amazing artist and so beautiful.
  6. Hidden talents that you have? - Erm it's not really hidden but I dance a lot :)
  7. Celebrity crush? - Ermmm boy would be Liam Hemsworth mmmm and girl crush has got to be Nicole Scherzinger :D haha
  8. Favourite blog of all time? - Well I havn't been part of the blogging world for long so, so far it would have to be Becca's at
  9. What made you want to join #BritishBloggerSelection? - I want to have a bit of fun with my blog as well as posting some serious things so when I came across this I thought it sounded great fun!
So that's all the questions guys, I hope you enjoyed my answers :) Make sure to come back next Sunday to find out what the next topic is ;) xoxo

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