Sunday, 28 December 2014

Boxing Day Bargains

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and all got spoilt... I know I definitely did! One thing I love doing every year is going shopping on Boxing Day to see what bargains I can get in the sales. This year I did pretty well so thought I share with you what I managed to get.

In Yankee Candle all their Christmas scents were reduced: Large jars were down to £10, Medium £8.49 and Small were £3.99! Such amazing deals! I wasn't sure which ones to get when I turned round and seen this set of 2 medium jars which was £19.99 down to only £9.99!! So amazing because they also had them separately priced at £8.49 so I saved myself a lot by getting the gift set :D

I also picked up a small jar of Candy Cane Lane as I wanted to try it and my boyfriend really liked the scent so thought why not?

I went into Debenhams and looked in the Miss Selfridge section and came across this jumpsuit. It might not be to everyones taste but I loved it and it was reduced from £39.00 to only £12.00!! This picture doesn't do it much justice to be honest.

Lush had 50% off all the Christmas range so I went a little bit crazy but actually wish I had got more! I might have to make a trip back to see if there is anything left! 

                          Hedgehog Bubble Bar                                                Penguin Bubble Bar

                         Melting Snowman                                                          Dashing Santa Bath Bomb

                           Cinders Bath Bomb                                               Holly Golightly Bubble Bar

Magic Wand Bubble Bar

Did you manage to find yourself anything nice in the sales? Let me know in the comments :) 


  1. I'm determined to venture out in the boxing day sales one day, I attempted to make a nice big LUSH order but the website was having none of it :( Love your bargain buys! x

    1. I hope you managed to find yourself some nice things :) That's rubbish about the Lush website though xoxo

  2. Some absolute bargains, especially the yankee candles! definitely going to have to get myself sales shopping

    - helen rose

    1. I know I couldn't believe how cheap they were! Xoxo

  3. Lush was just PACKED to the point where I couldn't go in, I wish I did because the 50% is amazing!!

    Alice x

    1. Oh god, sounds like a nightmare. Mine wasn't busy at all which I found really strange xoxo

  4. i work in clinton cards so i was lucky enough to use my discount as well as take advantage of the 50% off yankee candle.

    i comment for comment

    1. Aw wow that's amazing! I didn't even think to look there! Xoxo

  5. Loving all of your Lush products, and I am a sucker for Yankee Candles. They look lovely.

  6. Amazing choices! You've picked the best seasonal yankees :).


    1. Aw that's good to hear :) still need to use them! Xoxo

  7. You picked up some lovely bits!
